Tuesday, August 01, 2006


...if it were a one-megaton bomb dropped on his head. He recycles his usual morally equivalence, blame-Israel pablum in the Washington Post today:

"There will be no substantive and permanent peace for any peoples in this troubled region as long as Israel is violating key U.N. resolutions, official American policy and the international “road map” for peace by occupying Arab lands and oppressing the Palestinians."

Mark Coffey dispenses with Carter in short order:

I suppose it was Israel that walked away from Oslo, not Arafat. I suppose it was Israel that kidnapped its own soldiers, not Hezbollah and Hamas. I suppose it is Israel that is calling for its own extermination, not the Iranian President. I suppose it is Israel that is using the Shebaa Farms myth as an excuse for violence in violation of UN Resolution 1680, not Syria.

Jimmy, don’t you have some homes to build or something?


So much for that 48-hour cease-fire nonsense. Israel has gotten back down to business, swinging the bat against Hezbollah in Lebanon. After the IDF determined that they might not have been responsible for the deaths at Qana, the war was back on. In fact, they're stepping up their efforts...not only are the air strikes back on, but the ground war is being expanded. Good stuff.

The world would have been a much more dangerous place had Israel caved in to the demands of the appeasers and stopped pounding Hezbollah. Now Israel is back to doing just what they should be: destroying Hezbollah. The solution is not to force the surrender of Hezbollah, nor is it to make them stop firing rockets into Israel. The goal should be to eliminate the Islamic terrorist organization entirely. So why should you care?

I know, you're tired of hearing about it. Every time you turn on the news or look at the news sites on the Internet, it's Israel this and Hezbollah that. But this is now one of the most important fronts in the War On radical Islam, a world war if ever there was one. You will ultimately be affected by what is happening in Lebanon. Whether it is a positive or a negative effect is pretty much up to Israel right now.

The appeaser label can be applied to anyone, on the left or the right, in this country or elsewhere, who speaks of a cease fire. The cease fire and start negotiating route has been tried for decades, and it doesn't work. Islamists view any call for a cease fire from the infidels to be a sure signal of weakness. An Islamist views weakness as something to be exploited. A cease fire would do nothing more than give Hezbollah time to regroup, retrain, rearm and get ready to strike again.

Yesterday, during an interview in Miami with Fox News' Neil Cavuto, George W. Bush said it best. The world has excused tyranny for far too long and while it may have once looked like the world was a peaceful place in recent times, it was not. Israel's war against Hezbollah affects us just as much as our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq did.

After they're done cleaning house in Lebanon, Israel should do the world a favor an eliminate Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza.