Wednesday, March 15, 2006



Newly crowned leader of the unhinged Left:


Dem Leaders Have Embraced Sen. Russ Feingold's (D-WI) Censure "Principle" "Ecstatically":

"The Left Wing Of The Party Has Greeted Feingold's Censure Call Ecstatically." (Shailagh Murray, "A Senate Maverick Acts To Force An Issue, The Washington Post, 3/15/06)

"[C]alifornia Sen. Barbara Boxer [D-CA] Said That She Could Vote For The Resolution." (Craig Gilbert, "Even Democrats Leery Of Feingold Resolution," Craig Gilbert, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/14/06)

* The Wall Street Journal: "California Senator Barbara Boxer loudly wrote four legal scholars late last year asking if the NSA wiretaps were impeachable." (Editorial, "The Impeachment Agenda," The Wall Street Journal, 3/15/06)

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA): "The president broke the law and he needs to be held accountable ... Talk about high crimes and misdemeanors!" (Dana Milbank, "The Feingold Resolution And The Sound Of Silence," The Washington Post, 3/15/06)

* "Harkin Said He'll Vote For The Feingold Resolution -- If It Comes Up." (Dana Milbank, "The Feingold Resolution And The Sound Of Silence," The Washington Post, 3/15/06)

Democrat Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV): "My personal conviction is that Senator Feingold did this as a matter of principle. Senator Feingold is a man of principle." (Sen. Reid, Press Conference, 3/14/06)

* Sen. Reid: "I commend Senator Feingold for bringing this to the attention of the American people." (Sen. Reid, Press Conference, 3/13/06)

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA): "I'm interested in [censuring the President] . . . The President ought to be held accountable, and I think he broke the law." (Craig Gilbert, "Even Democrats Leery Of Feingold Resolution," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/14/06)

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) Shocked Anyone Wouldn't Back Dem Agenda: "I'm amazed at Democrats ... cowering with this president's numbers so low." (Laurie Kellman, "Feingold Accuses Fellow Democrats Of Cowering On Censuring Bush," The Associated Press, 3/15/06)

The hero worship over at HuffPo (hat tip: Allah) is in full bloom...

- Bill Press: Russ Feingold - My Hero
- Frank Dwyer: Feingold is a hero
- Trey Ellis - "Thrilled."

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi tries to change the subject.

Ed Morrissey thinks Feingold may have just turned himself into "the Dennis Kucinich of the 2008 campaign."

Time for a new "Maverick" watch.

Don Surber: The Cowering Inferno

Hugh Hewitt: Feingold's Folly

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