Friday, June 30, 2006


Joining the leader of his party, Howard Dean, New York Senator Chuck Schumer is accusing the Republicans of using immigration as a central campaign issue. He says it's like Willie Horton in 1988 and gay marriage in 2004.

The tactic is clear. Democrats are on the losing side of the immigration issue. What to do? It simple! If you're on the losing side of an issue you simply demonize the winning side .... for being on the winning side!

What some (not all) Republicans are opposing is illegal immigration. Does not Chuck Schumer oppose illegal immigration? Evidently not. He's also in for a surprise if the thinks Democrats are going to ride this particular idea to victory this fall. Poll after poll shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans have grown tired of the illegal alien invasion and want something done.

Running against illegal immigration is a solid issue...and Republicans are already winning with it. I can't see Democrats being swept into power on the backs of illegal aliens ... unless, of course, those illegal aliens vote! But at least Schumer is being honest. He wants more illegal aliens...and thus potential Democratic come to the United States. If he's lucky, maybe he can even buy them off with one of his taxpayer-funded government programs.

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