Friday, July 28, 2006


The Democratic Party has decided to lift a page from the Newt Gingrich playbook and come up with their own 'Contract With America,' which was the plan the House Republicans ran on in 1994. For the first time in 40 years, the Democrats' were blown out of the House and the rest is history.

So what are the Dems calling their plan?

"Six for '06." How nice. Just six? What are they? Well, here they are: national security, jobs and wages, energy independence, affordable health care, retirement security and college access for all. Now, since these points were written by Democrats, they will need a bit of translation, so here goes.

National security? The correct word, when talking about Democrats would be appeasement. That is their doctrine. Nobody could possibly believe that the Democrats are serious about fighting the Islamic radicals. Hell, they won't even call them what they are!

Energy independence? That's a code phrase for government-mandated small cars no one wants, gas lines and higher gas taxes. It also means tens of millions of taxpayer dollars sent to colleges and universities to study alternate fuels, and quite possibly a nice little windfall tax on energy companies to top things off!

Affordable health care? Your answer there is socialized medicine. Simple as that. Remember HillaryCare? Well, wait until you see the second coming!

Retirement security? What they really mean is huge increases in Social Security taxes in order to fund a bankrupt program with a poor return on your money. They surely don't mean letting you plan and control your own retirement savings.

College access for all? That's even more of a joke. Everybody already has access to college, but what the Democrats want is 100% taxpayer-funded government schools.

So really, their 6 points really come down to 3 points. Appease the Islamic terrorists, raise taxes and grow government. Since it's all more of the same, this is unlikely to energize the voters. Besides, they forget their 7th most important point: we hate George Bush.

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