Monday, July 03, 2006


“Those who study our national illegal immigration crisis watch with knowing sadness as millions of Americans outraged over our porous borders eventually get to the obvious question: Why has the president of the United States refused to secure American borders?

Perhaps it is part of a larger plan.”

D.A. King, Atlanta-Journal Constitution

As we enter the 4th of July, let us remember that the first responsibility of government is to protect its’ citizens from enemies foreign and domestic–not the Endowment for the Arts, not bridges that go no where, not tens of thousands of IRS folks trying to squeeze more money from hard working families. Yet for twenty years our government has had an “Open Border” policy with Mexico, to the detriment of our security, safety and economy. Ask the folks directly on the border about the invasion our Federal government refuses to stop.

Ask those trying to get government services on the phone and are asked to “hit 1″ for English, the businesses that pay for Workers Comp and lose bids, while their competitions hire illegal aliens, and pay nothing in mandated fees like Social Security, Workers Comp, etc, and get the bids.

We are at War, and government, from city councils to the States, to the Federal government are refusing to use the basic weapon–current laws. Until they do, including the impoundment of cars used by those with phony ID’s, no drivers licenses and no auto insurance, the War is being won by the invaders.

The North County Times today has a story about San Diego Fair goers complaining about the Mexican flag being flown at with the US and California flags at the entrance of the Fair. The Mexican flag is symbolic of the next step of the invasion, OUR governments recognizing the invaders as equal to honest U.S. citizens.

While the Federal government is not securing our borders, local government by failing to enforce laws already on the books is saying to those violating our laws that it is OK. American citizens violate laws and they get arrested and sent to jail. Illegal aliens violate laws and you will be punished with free education, free health care, workers protections, no need to pay taxes, drive whenever and wherever you want without licenses, use phony documents and we will give you vouchers for low cost housing, etc.

The 4ht of July is time for citizens to demand government enforce the laws. The Minutemen would not exist if your city council, Board of Supervisors and Legislators and Governor were doing their jobs.

Steve Frank is the publisher of California Political News and Views and a Senior Contributor to He is also a consultant currently working on gambling issues and advising other consultants on policy and coalition building.

Read more of his work here or at his blog.

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