Thursday, July 13, 2006


Since international news tends to make peoples eyes roll back into their head and put them to sleep, I'll break this down for you in simple terms. Even someone who just graduated from a government school will be able to understand this. How about that?

Some time back, the Hamas government in the Palestinian territories, itself a terrorist group, decided to kidnap an Israeli soldier. They want some prisoners released in exchange for the prisoner. No dice, says Israel...who rolls into Hamas territory with guns and bombs blazing. That war is ongoing.

Now, up North in Lebanon, that area is controlled by another Islamic terrorist group called Hezbollah. They decided it would be cute if they snuck across the border and grabbed two more Israeli soldiers. So they did...taking them both hostage. Israel decided that was an act of war, and they have responded with full firepower...just recently bombing the airport in Beirut. They have decided to clean house...and it's about time.

Now watch carefully the coverage in the mainstream media, the reaction at the United Nations and even the U.S. State Department. Because you see, those are all anti-Israel groups that want to appease the Islamic terrorists. Surely they had a reason for taking those Israeli soldiers hostage! It's Israel's fault...a response to the "occupation" of "Palestinian" territories. Nonsense.

All of this talk about the Middle East Peace process is a complete waste of time. A true, lasting peace will only be achieved through a decisive military victory. It's time for Israel to finish the job once and for all...and exterminate Hezbollah and Hamas from the face of the Earth...permanently.

This is Hezbollah's flag. Why yes, that is an automatic weapon. Some "Party of God", eh?

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