Friday, November 10, 2006


Now there are some people out there who will tell you that since I never served in the military, I have no right to talk of our military and the men and women who served. Well, you can just imagine what impact their bleatings have on me ...

I grew up in the military. My father was a career Air Force. I firmly believe that there is no better group of men and women anywhere, in any walk of life in this country than those who serve in our armed forces and their families. You will find a higher degree of integrity and care in any base housing complex, enlisted or officers, than you will find in any other neighborhood in America ... except, perhaps, for the Amish --- and I'm not all that sure about them!

Tomorrow perhaps you could take the time to participate in some ceremony in your city or town honoring these men and women. A political party led by men who have referred to our men and women in uniform as rapists, terrorists, murders and just plain stupid, a political party that has compared these fine men and women to Hitler's storm troopers has just taken control in Washington DC. I'm sure this must weigh heavily on the hearts and minds of those serving now and the millions of veterans who served in the past. Go out of you way to let them know you care, and you appreciate the sacrifice they have made.

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