Friday, March 09, 2007


According to a Federal Reserve report yesterday, the net worth of U.S. households has skyrocketed. This confirms what many of us have been saying for quite some time: we are currently in an unprecedented economic boom. But don't tell that to the Democrats or the media...they're doing their best to cover it up. And they have good reason. If Americans really realized just how good they had it under a Republican president, they might not vote for Hillary Clinton. And the media won't have that.

But the statistics are telling. Personal wealth among American households spiked 2.5 percent in the last quarter. Added onto the entire year, that's a 7.4% net worth increase among families. This is huge. If the economy was as bad as the press wants everyone to believe, then how come people are getting richer by the day? All of this is happening despite a slowdown in the housing market.

It used to be said that people voted with their wallet. If the economy was good, the incumbent party and president were safe. Yet even the Republicans screwed that up in the last election. For some reason, they were drawn into arguments about Iraq and were unable to effectively trumpet their economic record.

Thanks to the Bush tax cuts, the economy is on fire. Happy days are here again. Just don't tell the Democrats.

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